Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Possibility verse Probability

In Scene one of “the matrix and philosophy” there is a lot of talk about skepticism verse reality as well as possibility against probability. It is stated how skeptic raises eyebrows for the fact that knowledge requires certainty. How do we know what’s real and what’s a façade? We learn through what we experience everyday. Knowledge is built on what appears genuine to the eye. Scene one part three David Nixon argues how do we really know if we’re in the matrix or not. He touches base on “methodological skepticisms” of Descartes in which he indulges the possibility that a demon has manipulated all of his energy to deceive him. Descartes proposed doubt for the fact that there was possibility an evil demon could deceive him. In comparison Neo is viewed the same way. Neo has lived his prior life thinking that was reality. After Morpheus gives Neo the option of taking the red or blue pill, (which Neo takes the red pill) Morpheus explains to Neo “no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” Truthfully I look at it as a merely hallucination. He has taken a pill from a man he does know and his mind is flipping back and forth from the real world and a fantasy land he has made in his mind. As stated in “the matrix and philosophy” Nixon is not asking whether his possible new beliefs are fictitious its more so on what reasons are there to believe that it’s real. In a nut shell whether in “reality” or in the matrix it’s all based on perception and how we view thing. If something seems believable enough to ones knowledge that is how we determine the difference between real and illusion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Response to "The Matrix"

My views on the matrix as a whole is our so called “REALITY” is a virtual world called the matrix. They are living in the late 2000 years and computer intelligence has taken over. Morpheus and his crew members on the ship are dependent on machinery and computer programs to stay alive. In the matrix the team(Morpheus, Trinity, switch,Neo,etc)try to avoid the undestroyable agents. What I don’t understand is is if the matrix supposed to be a virtual reality why isn’t there a way to easily defeat the agents. In the movie smith is much stronger and faster than Neo. when smith has defeated Neo and kills him,trinity is able to get into his mind and he is reborn again. Its funny how the matrix has biblical ties to it. As in class today we spoke on how Neo is compared to Jesus as well as comparing Neo to Socrates. Jesus was chosen from God to save us and as written in”the Matrix and philosophy” Neo was chosen to break the grip of the matrix and free humanity with the truth. But what is the truth?Truthfully I think the Wachowskis brothers based it on more so on Jesus with a twist of their own science fiction. With Socrates he was different. He asked questions about his calling which mad e him popular “among the socially conscious youth” stated in The matrix and philosophy. I think both Neo and Socrates went by perception and illusion. What society created for them became a dimension in what they believed in making them think they where the ONE. Like professor Smith said Media creates MEDIA.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In response to "The Allegory of the Cave"

"In first person narrative" Growing up in Socrates cave my entire life caused me to be a complete introvert.Being confound to a cave was horrific.I myself as well as the other prisoners were unable to lead normal lives.We were chained down,totally immobile facing a wall in which shadows and echos was our source of reality. A twist to my situation was i was released from being a prisoner into society.It was like letting a wild animal out of a cage. My legs buckled as i tried walking for the very first time.Unfamiliar with my surroundings and unsure of where to go i aimlessly stagger til a kind bystander came to my aid.For the first time in my life i smelt fresh air,and saw the sun.The first initial view was blinding due to the fact I've only seen darkness.Farther and farther i walked towards the sunlight.The suns rays had the most invigorating warming feeling ever.As time past,being amongst the rest of the world i learned quick of what reality truly was. In a sense,living in a cave for numerous years was reality,the average human couldn't last a hour in the conditions i dealt wit.I returned to the cave to enlighten the other of what I've seen,to my surprise they shun me as if what i speak is factious. In my new found eyes i see the world for what it truly is,so i ask if what i was released to was corruption and evil? then What was i born into?

About Me

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Truthfully many say i appear to be a mean or stuck up person. In actuality I'm a sweet,kind hearted shy at times,individual that i have a fetish for shoes,heels preferably.A real fashion freak,love taking pictures of myself as well as odd or intriguing objects. A real obsession for tattoos and piercings.I have a few of both. I like to party on the regular with friends.I consider dancing my outlet from all my daily stress.Another source of relieving stress that i do is writing poems and songs. I am a proud SINGLE mother.I have a ten month old BRAT that i love to death,she is the reason i strive so hard to make something of myself.Anything else you want to know just ask me...