Thursday, December 10, 2009

Link to my research Blog

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Essay6 question 2

The way Sleep Dealers and the matrix have connections is they both take place in the future in which technology is at its high point. In the film “the matrix” Neo is computer hacker who finds out about the matrix through stealing information. He is contacted through his computer by Morpheus, which he thinks is a dream. He is told to follow the white rabbit in which he does meeting trinity wanting to know more. In comparison to the matrix, Memo is an amateur hacker who happens to come across transactions through radio. One day he hears vital information he wasn’t supposed to know causing a military aircraft seeking the so called “terrorist”. As a result he father is killed leaving him to the responsibilities as bread winner. He goes to the city Tijuana to find work as a nodes worker. In both movies there is a virtual connection. Neo took the red pill to reveal the truth in which he is generated by computer programs, as well as Memo went through the process of getting nodes to become virtually connected; permitting him to be a part of the machinery network. Body nodes are a big part of both movies as well. They are what make the movie a cyborg movie. In the matrix body nodes were the way to connect to the matrix and outer world. It provided information, the role it acted as was the power source, it held everything together. In the movie sleep dealers body nodes were used as a source of income and a way of living. Labor work was done but virtually, the only way to work in the United States was virtually because there was a Mexico/ United States block. The difference between the two movies is in “sleep dealers” in the end you are steal a slave or labor worker whatever way you look at it. Memo left his small town where they were poverty stricken to a larger city where poverty still existed. The only difference is they were virtually plugged in as labor workers. Living might have been a little more comfortably virtually but they were killing their bodies physically causing exhaustion from being connected for long periods of time. In “the matrix” Neo went from having a good life, carrying on a 9 to 5 job opting to choose knowing the “truth” and settled for living on a ship, where you are virtually plugged in. What is ironic about the situation is Morpheus states that Neo was living as a prisoner in the matrix, but once he knows the truth his living arrangement is of a slave. They don’t live in luxury or eat food appropriate to normal health standards. The main idea of the matrix was finding “the one” which Neo goes through various ordeals to find the he indeed is the one. With Memo he fulfills his dreams of going to the city, but he discovers the truth about the world that he lives in is really no different from the world he left. What I portrayed from rural verse urban life in sleep dealers is in rural life everything is in small settings life is easy going. They may not have a lot but they make the best of what’s around them. In the city, urban life was upbeat; they had clubs bright lights everything was fast pace. There were illegal things done, a place of sin. Within both movies “the matrix” as well as “sleep dealers” it dealt with knowing the real and unreal, portrayal with humanity and machinery, and knowing the truth.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog 10

I'll be glad when blogs are over!! The hardest issue with researching is putting the pieces together. Searching to find the information isn't that hard. It is once you have the information, you think how do you put it in the right format so it is in order,informative, as well as understandable to the readers. I can fairly say that majority of the work we have done from the beginning was easy because we are able to have open book. The notes we take are most important because they are what is used towards our test. With doing this last assignment for louie ansDr smith is more so time consuming then anything else. I'm having difficulty finding time to go to allt he places needed for my project but it has to be done!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Essay 3 rewrite

I believe that my life is determined by fate. My upbringing in a Christian church was much of the influence to make me believe this way. In the film "The Matrix" both freewill and fate is portrayed. The Oracle possesses the gift of prevision. She was used as a guild from all of the members (Nebuchadnezzar) after making the decision of the red pill. As told in the movie Morpheus took each one to see the Oracle to advise them on their battle with the fictional universe the matrix. In the scene when Morpheus takes Neo to see the Oracle, she knew that he was going to break the vase before he even did it. It was very much questionable how she knew that was going to occur. The Oracle also gave Neo bad news that he was not the one,"Sorry kid maybe in another life" she said it callus and went on explaining how Morpheus would sacrifice his life for him for the fact he believed Neo is the one. If life wasn't based on fate how would she have known that he was going to drop the vase as well as know at the moment he wasn't the one. Even though the Oracles predictions were very vague the course of events did occur and were true.
Fate cannot be avoided. What is meant to happen will happen. Sited on page91 in "The Matrix and Philosophy" Philosopher Richard Taylor states that "certain events will occur regardless of what other events occur." I find that in comparison to the ancient Greek King Oedipus. Oedipus' life was prophesied by an Oracle who said he would kill his father and marry his mother. To avoid his fate from coming true he moved from the city in which he lived. In the end what was prophesied still came true. Both the Oracle in "The Matrix" and the ancient Greek Oracle at Delphi had the power of foresight, which makes it unavoidable for one to change their own destiny whether they believe it or not. Referring back to the movie, when the Oracle tells Neo he's not the one maybe in another life; we were unaware of the symbolism in what she says. Later on in the movie we see how Neo dies but is resurrected by Trinity's kiss, it is there when he accepts or knows that he is the ONE. Every event that occurred in"The Matrix" is affiliated with fate. The choosing of the red or blue pill is also ironically tied to freewill and fate. When Morpheus asks Neo to choose whether the red pill, finding out the truth or take the blue pill and having life remain the same, plays as the same role. Choosing the red pill corresponds to fate as does the blue pill to freewill. By taking the blue pill life doesn't change in any form it remains the way you've always lived it free willingly, and by taking the red pill is risking knowing or finding the truth even if it is an unpleasant fate.
Even though some think they go about living a freewill life,there is a cause and effect to every choice that is made. We are given choices in life but in the end i believe that certain circumstances are assured. Concluding we have no control over our destiny, life is predetermined regardless of our choices.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Me ++

I was a little unsure of what to write for blog 8, but connecting my life and boundaries to the things around me; i would have to say I'll start off with my physical appearance.My skin holds my body together as a whole. My Clothes protects my sacred body. It protects me from the climate. It also protects me from deviant eyes. My hair is a security blanket as well as pride and joy,a confidence builder and work of art; being without it would be like mixing oil and water it just won't work. My Apartment is my vacation spot after a long day at school or work. My room is my hammock. It's my chill spot, to hang out and unwind. After a long day my bathtub is my personal therapist and masseuse,getting rid of all the tension and days stresses. The bed i lay in is my comfort zone; nice, cozy and puts me right to sleep. My ipod is my coping mechanism, it helps me drain out the hurt and pain i deal with. My journal(also known as My book of sins LOL)does the same, its my book of thoughts, poems and songs. My every life detail goes in it. It tells everything i feel can't be told to "so called" friends. My trust and faith are 100 percent in it. That is the one place i don't have any limit or boundary. I can just be me. I don't have to hold back or put on about how i feel. It can't judge me for the things i have done or how i feel.In actuality boundaries don't keep up safe in my point of view. Truthfully i think it is a mental state of mind. In our heads we feel certain things are protecting us from outsiders or whatever but in reality it is us collecting boundaries within ourselves. We are our own biggest critic. Boundaries are set for limit and comfort zones, but for what apparent reason? They're meant to broken in some shape or form....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

blog 7 Reflection

well....reflecting on the midterm project...all i can think of is THANK GoD its over! I don't think i've ever been so stressed in my life. I've experienced situations WAY harder and complex but for some odd reason i was overwhelmed. For the most part i think the hardest thing was getting a full 7 to 10 pages of work that was in order and met the proper standards. I think i went over my paper so much til i didnt want to read about Ali anymore, and i consider him my icon. If i could do the midterm over again or do anything different, i wouldn't change anything i did. I did an abundance of research on Muhammad Ali, i went to the library; a place i rarely see. I not only searched the web but took out books and read on him, as well as pulled old newspaper articles on him. Besides doing research on him, i went beyond the things talked about him on the surface, i went on a quest to find out all the things he has contributed to the world. It was alot of things i found out that i never knew and i was very happy to know i picked the right person to show how he influenced the media, showing how he will forever be a icon. Speaking on the powerpoint, i didnt know what i was doing but the visual part of it all was nice i think. It could have been ten times better but it was still great. My presentation needed work, as much as i run my mouth i have a problem speaking in front of the class still. I clamed up while talking but i think for the most part everyone knew what i was talking about. I would have prepared better notes for my presentation and interacted more with the class. I hope we DON'T have to do that again for the next project (HINT HINT FOR PROFESSOR SMITH) LOL

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Truman show..

The movie the Truman show has allot of similarities to the Matrix as well as the allegory of the cave. The Truman show was based on the life of a man who was adopted by what i guess i could call a television cooperation. He has gone his entire life not knowing that he is really the star of a reality show which in deed is his everyday life he lives. At first when first watching i thought "how could someone live their life not knowing the truth?" But comparing to the Allegory of the cave the prisoners who lived in the cave didn't even know they were prisoners. The only life they knew was what they lived inside. That's like dropping myself on a island telling me to adapt to a culture I've never heard of or seen. Everything would be foreign to my virgin eyes. What got me in the movie"the Truman show" is when the wife was advertising products, from the beginning she seemed so fake and commercialized it made me mad because normal people don't act like that,and the director of the show said he choose that life for Truman so he could life a normal life. Having a perfect life married and kids is the American dream"supposedly" but its not realistic,we go through problems everyday that sometimes cant be avoided. After the woman he felt attraction toward him explained how he was part of a show and everything was fake he questioned if she was saying was true. I think after his fathers so called "death" then seeing him he knew in his heart that there was more to the life that he lived,that there was truth behind what his mother and wife said. Comparing it to the matrix, the way Neo's choice of the red pill let him know the truth; i look at the woman(Lauren) if I'm not mistaken she symbolizes the red pill. He chose her truth over what his wife as well as his friend tried to convince him to believe.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fate,Freedom & foreknowledge

OK,getting straight to the "niddy griddy" of it all i think Chapter 8 In "The Matrix and Philosophy" was rather intriguing. Fate,Freedom, and Foreknowledge is what it was based on. Professor Smith said the simpler thing would be fate for the fact it is already planned out,which i completely agree. From what i have read fate goes back to the ancient Greeks. The oracle in the matrix compares to the ancient Greek Oracle at Delphi. They both have the gift of prophesying(determine fate). To a certain extent i think Neo's role in the film kind of shadows Alexander The Great,even though Neo wasnt on a mission to find the oracle,i think it has some type of ties to each other. What i found interesting was that the kings and generals wouldn't emerge in ample task unless they consult with the oracle of delphi first. That brings me to; how on the matrix all of the crew had to see the oracle after taking the red pill.
Such as fatalists,i believe that no matter what choices you make in life, whatever is meant for you is for you. Its so many different aspects to view it on because we live our lives as if it is free will but still live under rules and regulations. If broken we must deal with the consequences in the end. Sited on page91 in "The Matrix and Philosophy" The mythical greek king Oedipus was phrophesied that he would kill his father and marry his mother, just so he wouldnt go through the foretold future he left the city but still ened up fulfilling the prediction. "Fatalism is the belief that whatever happens is unavoidable." and in that situation it lived up to the definition.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ontology:The real and unreal

OK, from what I could grasp from the much difficult chapter, Gracias and Stanford touch base on the metaphysics of the Matrix. Metaphysics is the principles of reality. Metaphysics disguises what is real and unreal through logical principle. “It is the view of the world that seeks to be accurate, consistent, and comprehensive and supported by sound “sited on page 56 of The Matrix and philosophy. In which it has other sciences that branch from that. Gracias and Stanford refer to the “source” and “ontology “of the matrix. It is the study of the nature of being, existence and where it all derives from. What Gracias and Stanford was trying to make of this is through source and ontology is how to distinguish the difference between real and unreal. Without the real world there would be no illusion world. In my opinion this is very much true because how could another existence be there without deriving from something that already exists. The topic alone is mind boggling; it’s as if you’re repeating information over and over to come up with facts that is in front of your face. For example, there is no future without a past, something had to come before where we are now to get where we are. Sited on page 62 in The matrix and philosophy, Gracias and Stanford state “it is only because there was a first man who knew the matrix for what it is and escaped, that other prisoners were able to escape from the matrix.” I view it the same way as the bible; we were not around at the time Jesus gave his life for us but the bible is our proof that it was real.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Possibility verse Probability

In Scene one of “the matrix and philosophy” there is a lot of talk about skepticism verse reality as well as possibility against probability. It is stated how skeptic raises eyebrows for the fact that knowledge requires certainty. How do we know what’s real and what’s a façade? We learn through what we experience everyday. Knowledge is built on what appears genuine to the eye. Scene one part three David Nixon argues how do we really know if we’re in the matrix or not. He touches base on “methodological skepticisms” of Descartes in which he indulges the possibility that a demon has manipulated all of his energy to deceive him. Descartes proposed doubt for the fact that there was possibility an evil demon could deceive him. In comparison Neo is viewed the same way. Neo has lived his prior life thinking that was reality. After Morpheus gives Neo the option of taking the red or blue pill, (which Neo takes the red pill) Morpheus explains to Neo “no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” Truthfully I look at it as a merely hallucination. He has taken a pill from a man he does know and his mind is flipping back and forth from the real world and a fantasy land he has made in his mind. As stated in “the matrix and philosophy” Nixon is not asking whether his possible new beliefs are fictitious its more so on what reasons are there to believe that it’s real. In a nut shell whether in “reality” or in the matrix it’s all based on perception and how we view thing. If something seems believable enough to ones knowledge that is how we determine the difference between real and illusion.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Response to "The Matrix"

My views on the matrix as a whole is our so called “REALITY” is a virtual world called the matrix. They are living in the late 2000 years and computer intelligence has taken over. Morpheus and his crew members on the ship are dependent on machinery and computer programs to stay alive. In the matrix the team(Morpheus, Trinity, switch,Neo,etc)try to avoid the undestroyable agents. What I don’t understand is is if the matrix supposed to be a virtual reality why isn’t there a way to easily defeat the agents. In the movie smith is much stronger and faster than Neo. when smith has defeated Neo and kills him,trinity is able to get into his mind and he is reborn again. Its funny how the matrix has biblical ties to it. As in class today we spoke on how Neo is compared to Jesus as well as comparing Neo to Socrates. Jesus was chosen from God to save us and as written in”the Matrix and philosophy” Neo was chosen to break the grip of the matrix and free humanity with the truth. But what is the truth?Truthfully I think the Wachowskis brothers based it on more so on Jesus with a twist of their own science fiction. With Socrates he was different. He asked questions about his calling which mad e him popular “among the socially conscious youth” stated in The matrix and philosophy. I think both Neo and Socrates went by perception and illusion. What society created for them became a dimension in what they believed in making them think they where the ONE. Like professor Smith said Media creates MEDIA.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

In response to "The Allegory of the Cave"

"In first person narrative" Growing up in Socrates cave my entire life caused me to be a complete introvert.Being confound to a cave was horrific.I myself as well as the other prisoners were unable to lead normal lives.We were chained down,totally immobile facing a wall in which shadows and echos was our source of reality. A twist to my situation was i was released from being a prisoner into society.It was like letting a wild animal out of a cage. My legs buckled as i tried walking for the very first time.Unfamiliar with my surroundings and unsure of where to go i aimlessly stagger til a kind bystander came to my aid.For the first time in my life i smelt fresh air,and saw the sun.The first initial view was blinding due to the fact I've only seen darkness.Farther and farther i walked towards the sunlight.The suns rays had the most invigorating warming feeling ever.As time past,being amongst the rest of the world i learned quick of what reality truly was. In a sense,living in a cave for numerous years was reality,the average human couldn't last a hour in the conditions i dealt wit.I returned to the cave to enlighten the other of what I've seen,to my surprise they shun me as if what i speak is factious. In my new found eyes i see the world for what it truly is,so i ask if what i was released to was corruption and evil? then What was i born into?

About Me

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Truthfully many say i appear to be a mean or stuck up person. In actuality I'm a sweet,kind hearted shy at times,individual that i have a fetish for shoes,heels preferably.A real fashion freak,love taking pictures of myself as well as odd or intriguing objects. A real obsession for tattoos and piercings.I have a few of both. I like to party on the regular with friends.I consider dancing my outlet from all my daily stress.Another source of relieving stress that i do is writing poems and songs. I am a proud SINGLE mother.I have a ten month old BRAT that i love to death,she is the reason i strive so hard to make something of myself.Anything else you want to know just ask me...