OK, from what I could grasp from the much difficult chapter, Gracias and Stanford touch base on the metaphysics of the Matrix. Metaphysics is the principles of reality. Metaphysics disguises what is real and unreal through logical principle. “It is the view of the world that seeks to be accurate, consistent, and comprehensive and supported by sound “sited on page 56 of The Matrix and philosophy. In which it has other sciences that branch from that. Gracias and Stanford refer to the “source” and “ontology “of the matrix. It is the study of the nature of being, existence and where it all derives from. What Gracias and Stanford was trying to make of this is through source and ontology is how to distinguish the difference between real and unreal. Without the real world there would be no illusion world. In my opinion this is very much true because how could another existence be there without deriving from something that already exists. The topic alone is mind boggling; it’s as if you’re repeating information over and over to come up with facts that is in front of your face. For example, there is no future without a past, something had to come before where we are now to get where we are. Sited on page 62 in The matrix and philosophy, Gracias and Stanford state “it is only because there was a first man who knew the matrix for what it is and escaped, that other prisoners were able to escape from the matrix.” I view it the same way as the bible; we were not around at the time Jesus gave his life for us but the bible is our proof that it was real.
Final word/ Work cited
After researching and blogging about homosexuality I've learned that it is
a very complex matter.There is so much more to it then what i have touched
base ...
15 years ago
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