The movie the Truman show has allot of similarities to the Matrix as well as the allegory of the cave. The Truman show was based on the life of a man who was adopted by what i guess i could call a television cooperation. He has gone his entire life not knowing that he is really the star of a reality show which in deed is his everyday life he lives. At first when first watching i thought "how could someone live their life not knowing the truth?" But comparing to the Allegory of the cave the prisoners who lived in the cave didn't even know they were prisoners. The only life they knew was what they lived inside. That's like dropping myself on a island telling me to adapt to a culture I've never heard of or seen. Everything would be foreign to my virgin eyes. What got me in the movie"the Truman show" is when the wife was advertising products, from the beginning she seemed so fake and commercialized it made me mad because normal people don't act like that,and the director of the show said he choose that life for Truman so he could life a normal life. Having a perfect life married and kids is the American dream"supposedly" but its not realistic,we go through problems everyday that sometimes cant be avoided. After the woman he felt attraction toward him explained how he was part of a show and everything was fake he questioned if she was saying was true. I think after his fathers so called "death" then seeing him he knew in his heart that there was more to the life that he lived,that there was truth behind what his mother and wife said. Comparing it to the matrix, the way Neo's choice of the red pill let him know the truth; i look at the woman(Lauren) if I'm not mistaken she symbolizes the red pill. He chose her truth over what his wife as well as his friend tried to convince him to believe.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Fate,Freedom & foreknowledge
OK,getting straight to the "niddy griddy" of it all i think Chapter 8 In "The Matrix and Philosophy" was rather intriguing. Fate,Freedom, and Foreknowledge is what it was based on. Professor Smith said the simpler thing would be fate for the fact it is already planned out,which i completely agree. From what i have read fate goes back to the ancient Greeks. The oracle in the matrix compares to the ancient Greek Oracle at Delphi. They both have the gift of prophesying(determine fate). To a certain extent i think Neo's role in the film kind of shadows Alexander The Great,even though Neo wasnt on a mission to find the oracle,i think it has some type of ties to each other. What i found interesting was that the kings and generals wouldn't emerge in ample task unless they consult with the oracle of delphi first. That brings me to; how on the matrix all of the crew had to see the oracle after taking the red pill.
Such as fatalists,i believe that no matter what choices you make in life, whatever is meant for you is for you. Its so many different aspects to view it on because we live our lives as if it is free will but still live under rules and regulations. If broken we must deal with the consequences in the end. Sited on page91 in "The Matrix and Philosophy" The mythical greek king Oedipus was phrophesied that he would kill his father and marry his mother, just so he wouldnt go through the foretold future he left the city but still ened up fulfilling the prediction. "Fatalism is the belief that whatever happens is unavoidable." and in that situation it lived up to the definition.
Posted by Star Finesse at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Ontology:The real and unreal
OK, from what I could grasp from the much difficult chapter, Gracias and Stanford touch base on the metaphysics of the Matrix. Metaphysics is the principles of reality. Metaphysics disguises what is real and unreal through logical principle. “It is the view of the world that seeks to be accurate, consistent, and comprehensive and supported by sound “sited on page 56 of The Matrix and philosophy. In which it has other sciences that branch from that. Gracias and Stanford refer to the “source” and “ontology “of the matrix. It is the study of the nature of being, existence and where it all derives from. What Gracias and Stanford was trying to make of this is through source and ontology is how to distinguish the difference between real and unreal. Without the real world there would be no illusion world. In my opinion this is very much true because how could another existence be there without deriving from something that already exists. The topic alone is mind boggling; it’s as if you’re repeating information over and over to come up with facts that is in front of your face. For example, there is no future without a past, something had to come before where we are now to get where we are. Sited on page 62 in The matrix and philosophy, Gracias and Stanford state “it is only because there was a first man who knew the matrix for what it is and escaped, that other prisoners were able to escape from the matrix.” I view it the same way as the bible; we were not around at the time Jesus gave his life for us but the bible is our proof that it was real.
Posted by Star Finesse at 8:55 AM 0 comments
About Me
- Star Finesse
- Truthfully many say i appear to be a mean or stuck up person. In actuality I'm a sweet,kind hearted shy at times,individual that i have a fetish for shoes,heels preferably.A real fashion freak,love taking pictures of myself as well as odd or intriguing objects. A real obsession for tattoos and piercings.I have a few of both. I like to party on the regular with friends.I consider dancing my outlet from all my daily stress.Another source of relieving stress that i do is writing poems and songs. I am a proud SINGLE mother.I have a ten month old BRAT that i love to death,she is the reason i strive so hard to make something of myself.Anything else you want to know just ask me...